I think my surgeon's nurse Nicole wants to be my best friend. How else can I explain two phone calls within one hour on Thursday, April 2.
The first phone call was to tell me my surgery had been cancelled and I had to go through another throat scope. I took the news relatively well. It wasn't until I hung up the phone that I had a little crying hissy fit.
The second phone call was to let me know that I didn't have to go for yet another throat scope, but that I did have to come in today (Monday) and speak to Dr. Karmali about the results of my Barium swallow.
So in the three or so days of time in between to wonder what we were going to talk about I came up with the best case scenario. They were going to take out all of my digestive system which doesn't work worth crap and replace it with a tiny, but efficient donkey eating machine. I would name him Phil.
I had my appointment today - turns out they're not interested in installing a Phil - but I do have about 16 centimetres of additional intestine they are thinking about removing and the surgeon is slightly concerned about what my stomach itself looks like.
So concerned about it that he had a long talk with my regular gastro specialist but he still wants to do his own stomach scope right before surgery.
He assured me we could talk about the results before the operation. I pretty much laughed in his face and told him he better chat about it with my husband cause I wouldn't be all there after a throat scope. I'm a junkie what can I say. The drugs he's pretty sure would just make me relaxed actually make me pass out sleeping and I don't remember the day that follows. Good for me in that I go through most things pain and discomfort free, bad for doctors who want to chat with me about results.
Anyway - he says that he doesn't think he'd have to remove any of the stomach and even if it looked really bad he wouldn't do it at the same time as my other surgery anyway because I'm already having quite serious surgery and the stomach thing would be that much more.
I will have a temporary stoma and ostomy bag - something new for me to learn about. I'll let you all in on the fabulousness of it when I wake up from surgery and am back home.
So surgery is back on for April 29 and he's assured me that he will try to do as little damage as possible to my tummy - but he may have to make a larger incision than originally planned. I assured him my years of bikini modeling were past and so it's not a huge deal for me. Besides scars are cool.
I love your sense of humor in the midst of all this crap (pun unintended) that you have to go through. You're one of the strongest people I know. Good luck with your surgery!
ReplyDeleteI love the added touch of the donkey picture. It's too bad you don't get to have Phil hang around with you.
ReplyDelete: )