Monday, April 27, 2009

Officially done work

Well it's Monday and I didn't have to go to work this morning. It feels weird, and at the same time I'm very happy. It was a huge struggle to go to work the past week, no medication means that I'm not feeling so hot to begin with and I was feeling stressed about the last week.
I was so exhausted that I think I slept most of the weekend away, but I'm feeling good and refreshed this morning and energized. Ready to meet surgery day head on!

By the way for those of you wondering, it's been almost two weeks and my two 'x' marks are still on my tummy but the covering on them is not. I took them off almost a week ago - they were hugely uncomfortable and I still have marks from where the sticky covering was. Also - I have a hairy tummy apparently and ripping off that sticky coating wasn't the most enjoyable thing I've ever done. So now Paul re-draws the 'x' marks for me after my shower in the morning.

Today is day one of the cleanse. I am eating Jell-O and drinking lots of clear fluids. Tonight at 4 p.m. I take my first bottle of 'cleanse' and live the rest of the evening in the washroom. Paul is playing baseball tonight and my sister is at her massage clinic so I'm pretty lucky to have tonight all quiet and not smelling cooking for supper or watching people eat or making them get out of the bathroom cause I want to use the one on the main floor.

For those of you who are wondering - I will be at the Royal Alex and yes visitors are very welcome! Paul will be sending out an email on Wednesday after surgery (maybe Thursday) and let everyone know how I did and what room I'm in. 

I am not nervous for surgery, but I'm not looking forward to drinking the bottles of stuff so that is probably distracting me. Wednesday morning might be a different story!

I will keep you all posted, thanks for all your well wishes. Please remember that Saturday, May 9 is the 21st annual Crohn's and Colitis barbecue at M&M Meat Shops (every store) and for only $2.50 you get a burger or hot dog, juice and potato chips. All the money raised goes to the Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of Canada. 

Talk to you all soon!

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