Sunday, June 14, 2009

The walk is done!

First off a huge thank you to all my generous donors this year who sponsored me to walk 5 km in the 2009 Crohn's and Colitis Heel & Wheel a Thon in Rundle Park. This event raises money for research into causes and cures for Crohn's and Colitis. 

The weekend was fabulous and wouldn't you know it - I went from 3 team members on the Potty Posse to 9 in the space of a couple of weeks and together we raised close to $2,500! It rained on us a bit but that just kept us from getting too hot and then we enjoyed fabulous burgers courtesy of M&M Meat Shop. 

Our team cleaned up in the door prizes - Henri and Ida each won restaurant gift certificates, my sister won a gift certificate to the Keg, James won a fabulous man bag full of spa goodies to keep his baby soft skin nice and touchable, and for a being a top pledge earner last year I got a stainless steel water bottle.

The 5 km took us about 1 hour, way faster than I thought we would walk considering I haven't done more than short walks slowly for the last 10 weeks or so. But I felt great, I feel great now and after a fabulous nap in the afternoon I could stay up until well past 9 p.m.! I am dealing with a bit of an infection but nothing too serious. Some antibiotics are helping to put me right and I've managed to get through three books already and it's only June.

I'm hoping to have more team members next year for team Potty Posse! Everyone is welcome, please do what you can to raise a few dollars (there is no minimum) and come and join us in the 2010 event. The last screen of the video may be a bit hard to read but it says
THANK YOU to the walkers and donors - from the bottom of my heart. Joseline.

Oh yeah - turn on your sound for the video!

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