Thursday, October 24, 2013

Hello little bean

It has taken us a long time…but we are finally 9 weeks away from adding a new little addition to our family.
I think it was a combination of me being healthy, being on no medication for the last couple of years and great timing. I should probably also add in a night of drunken revelry…
And boy this baby doesn’t know how lucky she is! Thanks to surgery that eliminated much of my intestinal tract she has a roomy bachelor like no other baby out there. Well except for my fellow surgical patients. I’m sure she has a disco ball in there, leather couches, a flat screen TV…and if she doesn’t have all that I can guarantee you that she has a full size kung fu training facility. I know this for a fact because I’m front row while she’s practicing for the sequel to Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. Although why she has to use my bladder as her kicking target I don’t know.
I currently take as many vitamins as I used to take medication. When you don’t have a lot of space to absorb vitamins and nutrients you take extra folic acid, extra vitamin D and I tested very low in hemoglobin so I’m on two iron pills a day. I know in many people these pills cause constipation but not in my case. I scooted through the diabetes test…normal is up to 7.7 something-or-others and I tested 7.5. I told my doctor all that mattered was I passed. I’m not usually a C- student but I’ll take it!
I don’t know if it’s a sign of how much of a wuss I am but I’m really, really open to having pain medication during labor. Maybe it’s that for years and years I was in constant cramping pain and now that I don’t have it anymore I’m not in a rush to experience it again. I will give it a go and see – maybe it’s not as bad as everyone says it is. But I have a feeling me and my epidural are going to be good friends.
My stomach scars create their own interesting complications. Because of internal scarring our doctor would like to avoid a c-section if at all possible. The scar tissue could create serious problems both with the procedure and with my healing later on. I also have a keloid scar from my last surgery – which means a larger/pink unhealthy scar rather than a nice regular scar. It runs the entire up and down length of my tummy and can cause me pain as my stomach expands to accommodate the baby. I haven’t had any of it so far but I can chat with my doctors about elective surgery to help with my scarring after baby comes. This scar also means that instead of a cute round tummy like most pregnant ladies have…I have a cute round tummy with an indent that runs all the way down the middle.
As I told my doctor – I have taco baby tummy. I know that I notice it way more than others would. But it’s a weird shape.
So I would like to wrap up today by saying that I have had an incredibly easy pregnancy up to now. I have had no morning sickness, no swelling of hands or feet, been sleeping okay, no weird skin things going on, no weird food cravings and except for migraines in the first three months no headaches either.
Do I love being pregnant? Love is a strong word. I don’t hate it, but I’m more just getting through it and excited for baby to come. I have already started my list of things this baby owes me for:
1.       Missing all of patio drinking season this year.
2.       Missing all of Christmas party drinks this year.
3.       Making my chest even bigger than it already was.
4.       Sciatic nerve pain in my right hip which will not go away until baby comes.
5.       Sneezing/peeing at the same time…and usually nowhere near a toilet.
6.       Feeling large, awkward and generally not being able to go up a flight of stairs without stopping to take a breath.
(You know you’re big and awkward when you’re actually hoping your husband will put both hands on your butt and give you a big push cause that would make getting out of bed way easier!)